Our Work With Los Angeles Football Club

Engagement Highlights for
Los Angeles Football Club

  • Highest F&B grossing year, highest per caps, and best profitability in the history of the franchise.

  • Uncovered contractual items that saved the team ~$200K in expenses.

  • Identified cost overruns at all-inclusive areas, ultimately saving the team over $500K. Innovation to concessions program and menu engineering to increase throughput.

  • Overhaul mobile ordering strategy resulted in a significant increase in usage, relieving pressure on concessions lines.

  • Implementation of frictionless technology at specific POS increased revenue in those areas by 20%.

  • Complete revamp of KPI development process -  including measurement metrics and monitoring – to hold concessionaire accountable.

  • Developed a robust dashboard with the LAFC data team to track KPIs and real-time F&B performance.

The JHS+ Difference at LAFC

2022 Compared to 2021

12.5% Per Cap Increase

94% Revenue Increase

23% Profit Increase

12.5% Per Cap Increase 94% Revenue Increase 23% Profit Increase
